Take Control of Your Fleet Costs with the
Maxey Energy Fleet Card
The Maxey Energy Fleet Card is not simply a fuel card- its a management tool that puts you in the driver’s seat and allows you to control expenses, manage your fleet, and monitor your drivers. You will eliminate waste and red tape, simplify accounting and limit costs. Enroll in the Maxey Enegy Fleet card and take charge of your fueling dollars today.
Track fuel usage and mileage for each vehicle in your fleet
Prevent theft and unauthorized fueling
Receive discounts based on volume usage
Manage with your own custom Monthly Comprehensive Fuel Usage Report
Fuel your fleet 24 hours a day at any of our convenient locations
Get all types of fuel (Unleaded, Plus, Supreme, Highway Diesel and Off-Road Diesel)
Assign individual ID numbers for employees, so you can see who filled which vehicle